
Effectively manage your organization’s training services with a standout eLearning solution.
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Integration Category

  • Education and Learning

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Techniq™ Online University is an integrated Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that helps corporations, educational institutions and non-profit organizations manage their education offerings. Using this system organizations can manage the entire learning process including managing learners, managing classes and generating reports. This system integrates seamlessly with popular web-based applications such as GoTo Meeting, Salesforce™, and payment gateways such as™ and PayPal™. Using this system you can deploy a customized corporate university site to train and educate your employees, partners, prospects, and customers. Specifically, you can manage users, courses, podcasts, documents, recorded GoTo sessions, videos, GoTo discussion forums, and registrations for online training classes and GoTo sessions. Deploy your own customized training site in a matter of days to:

· Manage content - courses, podcasts, documents, GoTo sessions, and videos
· Manage users and generate usage Reports
· Manage registrations for GoTo sessions, online training, classes, events and self-paced courses
· Issue certificates of attendance to attendees of training sessions

How To Install

This demo should give you an overview of the integration between Go2 Training and the Techniq platform. What are the features and functions of the integration? How do you schedule GTT sessions? How to Manage sessions, certificates etc.

Watch Video


· Download and install Jive Embedded Integrations for your operating system:

Download for Mac

Download for Windows

· Open and log in to Jive Embedded Integrations with your Jive credentials.

· Click the gear in the left sidebar and then choose your Line.

· Click Configure to launch the Integrations Dashboard.

· In the new window, click Link Accounts.

· Enter your Clio Email and Password and then click Sign in.


Note: For screen pop to work with Clio, the phone number must be formatted specifically without any symbols (i.e., 1234567890).

When you initiate a call from the app, it first sends the call to your desk phone or GoTo Connect, waits for you to pick it up, and then finally completes the call to the outbound number.